Monday, April 9, 2012

A series of journal thoughts...Part 1

I have been writing my pre-blog entries in my journal for the last few weeks...I realized today that I haven't posted any of them. This entry starts a series that I will post today...


Between this trip and the last, I had let myself forget about the loneliness that comes while in Uganda. I forgot what it feels like to be the only white person in a room full of people speaking another language. This time around, I am living by myself in an apartment. I have wonderful neighbors, many visitors, and I am usually with people for most of every day. However, when night falls, I must close my door to protect from unwanted visitors (mosquitos, rats, and wanderers) which closes me off from the outside world at around 7:00 each night. When there is no power, I feel an oftentimes overwhelming sense of loneliness. 

Light can fill all the nooks and crannies of my apartment. It wards off and reveals unwanted creepy crawlers. It surrounds me like a blanket of warmth. 

Without the power, I cannot be on the internet connecting to my loved ones. Without the light I must use lanterns or candles to cook, wash dishes, bathe, and read. Individually, none of these tasks is too inconvenient without power…but together, I find it is very frustrating just to get along; as if my eyes just want more…if I could just have it be a little brighter, everything would be fine. Candles and lanterns just don’t compare to a light bulb.  

On the bright side, Megu Mi and I have finally started hanging out. She was over the other night chatting and the power went off…she practically read my mind as I switched on my lantern when she said, “Wow…when it blacks out and I’m with company it isn’t so bad. Kind of cozy even…” I couldn’t agree more. She does Yoga during the blackouts; I think I’m going to start joining her!     

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