Sunday, June 5, 2011

T minus 6 days

It is hard to believe that almost five years ago I was sitting on the computer at home-just about to enter my senior year of high school-when I stumbled upon this organization called "The Peace Corps." Man did they sound cool! I remember reading every single word on their website and trying to see myself working in each host country, living off the bare minimum, helping locals, and learning about new cultures. While most of my high school peers were fantasizing about going to college, I was fantasizing about using my college degree to go to Africa and teach health.

At the time it was all about the Peace Corps--I had to do whatever I could to get into the Peace Corps. However, as my college years came and went, I realized it wasn't the Peace Corps that I was being drawn to. It was the experience of traveling in Africa--of meeting people who live in cultures much different than my own--of living without the abundance of American pleasures--of learning who I am and what my purpose is on earth.

Today, I am entering my final quarter in college, setting out to complete the last requirement of my degree program: a 400 hour internship. I was given the freedom to choose an internship at any agency I wanted. So, naturally I chose the VOLSET  Foundation...located in the Mukono District of Uganda. 

Yes-I recognize the insects are enormous. Yes-I am aware that traveling in this part of the world isn't exactly easy for young women from America. Yes-I have thought about the fact that I have never lived without running water. And Yes-Giving up my toilet, Facebook access, and ice-cream are going to be hard.

HOWEVER: No-I'm not crazy. No-I'm not second guessing this decision. And No-I am not afraid.

I will have limited access to the internet while I am over there, but I have created this blog to bridge a gap between the world I know in America and the world I am about to discover in Uganda.

I hope you enjoy reading the next chapters of my life as much as I know I will enjoy living them.

With love,


1 comment:

  1. Kristen, I am so proud of you. You have chosen to volunteer to a part of the world that has seen more than its share of human says a lot about the person you are. Michael sent me pics of you new will survive! Grandma taught us all how to squat and I am sure this was passed on to you!! For sure, no"abundances of American pleasures" as you stated. But I think thats part of whats wrong with America today. You will grow even more in leaps and bounds from this experience. I am soo excited for You!! What an experience this will be. You will see different cultures and you will enjoy good times and you will share often times in their pain, but I know you will always be able to show them the utmost respect. I am looking forward to the many New Chapters In Your Life. I hope there are more like you in your generation to help bridge the gap. You are a strong person and I know you will enjoy this experience. Stay safe..remember at all times the buddy in numbers. Stay in touch. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Aunt Paula
